Wake Forest University Publications
56. Jaroch, M; Sun, G; Tsui, H-C; Reed, C; Sun, J; Jörg, M; Winkler, ME; Rice, KC; Dziergowska, A; Stich, TA; Dedon, PC; Dos Santos, PC; and de Crécy-Lagard, V.
Alternate routes to mnm5s2U synthesis in Gram-positive bacteria
Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2024. 206: e00452-23.
55. Thomas-Colwell, J; Sookezian, A; Kurtz, DA; Kallick, J; Henling, LM; Stich, TA; Hill, MG; and Hunter, BM.
Tuning Cobalt(II) Phosphine Complexes to be Axially Ambivalent
Inorganic Chemistry. 2022. 61: 12625–12634.
BC3. Stich, TA.
Characterization of Paramagnetic Iron-Sulfur Clusters Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Fe-S Proteins. ed. Patricia Dos Santos
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2353. 2021
University of California – Davis Publications
54. Sayler, RI; Stich, TA; Joshi, S; Cooper, N; Shaw, JT; Begley, TP; Tantillo, DJ; Britt, RD
Trapping and EPR Characterization of the 5′-dAdo Radical in a Radical SAM Enzyme Reaction with a Non-Native Substrate
ACS Central Science. 2019. 5: 1777–1785.
53. Rao, G; Altman, AB; Brown, AC; Tao, L; Stich, TA; Arnold, J; Britt, RD
Metal Bonding with 3d and 6d Orbitals: An EPR and ENDOR Spectroscopic Investigation of Ti3+–Al and Th3+–Al Heterobimetallic Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry. 2019. 58: 7978–7988.
52. Lionetti, D; Suseno, S; Tsui, EY; Lu, L; Stich, TA; Carsch, KM; Nielsen, RJ; Goddard III, WA; Britt, RD; Agapie, T
Effects of Lewis Acidic Metal Ions (M) on Oxygen-Atom Transfer Reactivity of Heterometallic Mn3MO4 Cubane and Fe3MO(OH) and Mn3MO(OH) Clusters
Inorganic Chemistry. 2019. 58: 2336–2345.
51. Armstrong, BM; Sayler, RI; Shupe, BH; Stich, TA; Britt, RD; Franz, AK
EPR Evidence for the Origin of Nonlinear Effects in an Enantioselective Cu(II)-Catalyzed Spiroannulation
ACS Catalysis. 2019. 9: 1224–1230.
50. Tao, L; Stich, TA; Fugate, CJ; Jarrett, JT; Britt, RD
EPR-Derived Structure of a Paramagnetic Intermediate Generated by Biotin Synthase BioB
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2018. 140: 12947–12963.
49. Gagnon, D; Stich, TA; Mehta, AP; Abdelwahed, SH; Begley, TP; Britt, RD
An Aminoimidazole Radical Intermediate in the Anaerobic Biosynthesis of the 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole Ligand to Vitamin B12
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2018. 140: 12798–12807.
48. Tao, L; Stich, TA; Soldatova, AV; Tebo, BM; Spiro, TG; Casey, WH; Britt, RD
Mn(III) Species Formed by the Multicopper Oxidase MnxG Investigated by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 2018. 23: 1093–1104.
47. Barr, I; Stich, TA; Gizzi, A; Grove, T; Bonanno, JB; Latham, JA; Chung, T; Wilmot, CM; Britt, RD; Almo, SC; Klinman, JP
X-ray and EPR Characterization of the Auxiliary Fe-S Clusters in the Radical SAM Enzyme PqqE
Biochemistry. 2018. 57: 1306–1315.
46. Marchiori, DA; Oyala, PH; Debus, RJ; Stich, TA; Britt, RD
Structural Effects of Ammonia Binding to the Mn4CaO5 Cluster of Photosystem II
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2018. 122: 1588–1599.
45. Wang, S; Tao, L; Stich, TA; Olmstead, MM; Britt, RD; Power, PP
Insertion of a Transient Tin Nitride into Carbon-Carbon and Boron-Carbon Bonds
Inorganic Chemistry. 2017. 56: 14596–14604.
44. Soldatova, AV; Romano, CA; Tao, L; Stich, TA; Casey, WH; Britt, RD; Tebo, BM; Spiro, TG
Mn(II) oxidation by the multicopper oxidase complex Mnx: A coordinated two-stage Mn(II)/(III) and Mn(III)/(IV) mechanism
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017. 139: 11381–11391.
43. Soldatova, AV; Tao, L; Romano, CA; Stich, TA; Casey, WH; Britt, RD; Tebo, BM; Spiro, TG
Mn(II) oxidation by the multicopper oxidase complex Mnx: A binuclear activation mechanism
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017. 139: 11369–11380.
42. Tao, L; Stich, TA; Liou, S-H; Soldatova, AV; Delgadillo, D; Romano, CA; Spiro, TG; Goodin, DB; Tebo, BM; Casey, WH; Britt, RD
Copper Binding Sites in the Manganese-Oxidizing Mnx Protein Complex Investigated by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017. 139: 8868–8877.
41. Stich, TA; McAlpin, JG; Wall, RM; Rigsby, ML; Britt, RD
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Characterization of Dioxygen-Bridged Cobalt Dimers with Relevance to Water Oxidation
Inorganic Chemistry. 2016. 55: 12728–12736.
40. Stich, TA; Gagnon DM; Anderson, BL; Nocera, DG; Britt, RD
EPR Spectroscopic Characterization of a Jahn-Teller Distorted (C3v→Cs) Four-Coordinate Chromium(V) Oxo Species
Israel Journal of Chemistry. 2016. 56: 864–871.
39. Wagner, CL; Tao, L; Thompson, EJ; Stich, TA; Guo, J; Fettinger, JC; Berben, LA; Britt, RD; Nagase, S; Power, PP
Dispersion Force Assisted Disproportionation: Synthesis and Characterization of a Stable Two-Coordinate Copper(II) Complex
Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2016. 55: 10444–10447.
38. Oyala, PH; Ravichandran, KR; Funk, MA; Stucky, PA; Stich, TA; Drennan, CL; Britt, RD; Stubbe, JS
Biophysical Characterization of Fluorotyrosine Probes Site-Specifically Incorporated into Enzymes: E. coli Ribonucleotide Reductase as an Example
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2016. 138: 7951–7964.
37. Tao, L; Stich, TA; Butterfield, CN; Romano, CA; Spiro, TG; Tebo, BM; Casey, WH; Britt, RD
Mn(II) Binding and Subsequent Oxidation by the Multicopper Oxidase MnxG Investigated by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2015. 137: 10563–10575.
36. Oyala, PH; Stich, TA; Debus, RJ; Britt, RD
Ammonia Binds to the Dangler Manganese of the Photosystem II Oxygen Evolving Complex
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2015. 137: 8829–8837.
35. Britt, RD; Suess, DLM; Stich, TA
An Mn(V)-Oxo Role in Splitting Water?
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015. 112: 5265–5266.
A commentary accompanying Gupta, R et al. PNAS 2015.
34. Parthasarathy, A; Stich, TA; Lohner, ST; Lesnefsky, A; Fincker, M; Britt, RD; Spormann, AM
Biochemical and EPR-spectroscopic Investigation into Heterologously Expressed Vinyl Chloride Reductive Dehalogenase (VcrA) from Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain VS
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2015. 137: 3525–3532.
33. Gagnon, DM; Brophy, MB; Bowman, SEJ; Stich, TA; Drennan, CL; Britt, RD; Nolan, EM
Manganese Binding Properties of Human Calprotectin Under Conditions of High and Low Calcium: X-ray Crystallographic and Advanced EPR Spectroscopic Analysis
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2015. 137: 3004–3016.
32. Oyala, PH*; Stich, TA*; Britt, RD
Metal Ion Oxidation State in Exchange-Coupled Clusters Determined by Ligand Hyperfine Interaction
Photosynthesis Research. 2015. 53: 7914–7928.
31. Oyala, PH; Stich, TA; Stull, JA; Yu, F; Pecoraro, VL; Britt, RD
Pulse EPR studies of 13C-methanol bound to the S2 state Mn4CaO5 cluster of Photosystem II
Biochemistry. 2014. 53: 7914–7928.
30. Myers, WK*; Stich, TA*; Suess, DLM; Kuchenreuther, JM; Swartz, JR; Britt, RD
The Cyanide Ligands of [FeFe] Hydrogenase: Pulse EPR Studies of 13C and 15N-Labeled H-Cluster
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2014. 136: 12237–12240.
29. Stich, TA; Myers, WK; Britt, RD
Paramagnetic Intermediates in Radical SAM Enzymes
Accounts of Chemical Research. 2014. 47: 2235–2243.
28. Kuchenreuther, JM*; Myers, WK*; Suess, DLM; Stich, TA; Cramer, SP; Swartz, JR; Britt, RD; George, SJ
The HydG Enzyme Generates an Fe(CO)2(CN) Synthon in Assembly of [FeFe] Hydrogenase H-Cluster
Science. 2014. 343: 424–427.
27. Kuchenreuther, JM*; Myers, WK*; Stich, TA; George, SJ; NejatyJahromy, Y; Swartz, JR; Britt, RD
A Radical Intermediate in Tyrosine Scission to the CO and CN− Ligands of [FeFe] Hydrogenase
Science. 2013. 342: 472–475.
26. Kanady, JS; Tran, R; Stull, JA; Lu, L; Stich, TA; Day, MW; Yano, J; Britt, RD, Agapie, T
Role of Oxido Incorporation and Ligand Lability in Expanding Redox Accessibility of Structurally Related Mn4 Clusters: XAS, EPR, Magnetic, and XRD Characterization
Chemical Science. 2013. 4: 3896–3996.
25. Stich, TA; Krzystek, J; Mercado, BQ; McAlpin, JG; Ohlin, CA; Olmstead, MM; Casey, WH; Britt, RD
Structural Insights into [Co4O4(C5H5N)4(CH3CO2)4]+, a Rare Co(IV)-Containing Cuboidal Complex
Polyhedron. 2013. 64: 304–307.
24. Stull, JA; Stich, TA; Hurst, JK; Britt, RD
EPR Analysis of a Transient Species Formed During Water Oxidation Catalyzed by the Complex Ion [(bpy)2Ru(OH2)]2O4+
Inorganic Chemistry. 2013. 52: 4578–4586.
23. Cotruvo, J; Stich, TA; Britt, RD; Stubbe, J
Mechanism of Assembly of the Dimanganese-Tyrosyl Radical Cofactor of Class Ib Ribonucleotide Reductase: Enzymatic Generation of Superoxide is Required for Tyrosine Oxidation via a Mn(III)Mn(IV) Intermediate
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2013. 135: 4027–4039.
22. Fugate, CJ; Stich, TA; Kim, EG; Myers, WK; Britt, RD; Jarrett, JT
9-Mercaptodethiobiotin is Generated as a Ligand to the [2Fe-2S]+ Cluster During the Reaction Catalyzed by Biotin Synthase from Escherichia coli
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2012. 134: 9042–9045.
21. McAlpin, JG; Stich, TA; Casey, WH; Britt, RD
Comparison of Cobalt and Manganese in the Chemistry of Water Oxidation
Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2012. 256: 2445–2452.
20. Mukerjee, S; Stull, JA; Yano, J; Stamatatos, TC; Pringouri, K; Stich, TA; Abboud, KA; Britt, RD; Yachandra, VK; Christou, G
Synthetic Model of the Asymmetric [Mn3CaO4] Cubane Core of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012. 109: 2257–2262.
19. Bigi, JP; Harman, WH; Yano, J; Lassalle-Kaiser, B; Robles, D; Stich, TA; Britt, RD; Chang, CJ
A High-Spin Iron(IV)—Oxo Complex Supported by a Trigonal Non-Heme Pyrrolide Platform
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2012. 134: 1536–1542.
18. Sheng, Y; Stich, TA; Barnese, K; Gralla, EB; Cascio, D; Britt, RD; Cabelli, DE; Valentine, JS
A Comparison of Two Yeast MnSODs: Mitochondrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae versus Cytosolic Candida albicans
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2011. 133: 20878–20889.
17. McAlpin, JG; Stich, TA; Ohlin, CA; Surendranath, Y; Nocera, DG; Casey, WH; Britt, RD
Electronic Structure Description of a [Co(III)3Co(IV)O4] Cluster, a Model for the Paramagnetic Intermediate in Cobalt-catalyzed Water Oxidation
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2011. 133: 15444–15452.
16. Stich, TA*; Yeagle, GJ*; Service, RJ; Debus, RJ; Britt, RD
D1-His332 and D1-Asp170 Amino Acid Ligation to the Manganese Cluster of Photosystem II from Synechocystis Assessed by Multifrequency Pulse EPR Spectroscopy
Biochemistry. 2011. 50: 7390–7404.
15. Ellis, PD; Sears, JA; Yang, P; Dupuis, M; Boron III, TT; Pecoraro, VL; Stich, TA; Britt, RD; Lipton, AS
Solid-State 55Mn NMR Spectroscopy of bis(μ-oxo)dimanganese(IV) [Mn2O2(salpn)2], a Model for the Oxygen Evolving Complex in Photosystem II
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2010. 132: 16727–16729.
14. Barnese, K*; Sheng, Y*; Stich, TA; Gralla, EB; Britt, RD; Cabelli, DE; Valentine, JS
Investigation of the Highly Active Manganese Superoxide Dismutase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2010. 132: 12525–12527.
13. Bender, G; Stich, TA; Yan, L; Britt, RD; Cramer, SP; Ragsdale, SW
Infrared and EPR Spectroscopic Characterization of a Ni(I) Species Formed by Photolysis of a Catalytically Competent Ni(I)-CO Intermediate in the Acetyl-CoA Synthase Reaction
Biochemistry. 2010. 49: 7516–7523.
12. Ni, C; Stich, TA; Long, GJ; Power, PP
Unusual Magnetic Properties of a Two-Coordinate Heteroleptic Linear Cobalt(II) Complex
Chemical Communications. 2010. 46: 4466–4468.
11. McAlpin, JG; Surendranath, Y; Dincă, M; Stich, TA; Stoian, SA; Casey, WH; Nocera, DG; Britt, RD
EPR Evidence for Co(IV) Species Produced During Water Oxidation at Neutral pH
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2010. 132: 6882–6883.
10. Stich, TA; Whittaker, JW; Britt, RD
Multifrequency EPR Studies of Manganese Catalases Provide a Complete Description of Proteinaceous Nitrogen Coordination
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2010. 114: 14178–14188.
9. Stull, JA; Stich, TA; Service, RJ; Debus, RJ; Mandal, SK; Armstrong, WH; Britt, RD.
13C ENDOR Reveals that the D1 Polypeptide C-Terminus is Directly Bound to Mn in the Photosystem II Oxygen Evolving Complex
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2010. 132: 446–447.
8. Merrill, WA; Stich, TA; Brynda, M; Yeagle, GJ; Fettinger, JC; De Hont, R; Schulz, CE; Britt, RD; Reiff, WM; Power, PP
Direct Spectroscopic Observation of Large Quenching of First Order Orbital Angular Momentum with Bending in Monomeric, Two-Coordinate Fe(II) Primary Amide Complexes and the Profound Magnetic Effects of the Absence of Jahn- and Renner-Teller Distortions in Rigorously Linear Coordination
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2009. 131: 12693–12702.
7. Ni, C; Ellis, BD; Stich, TA; Fettinger, JC; Long, GJ; Britt RD; Power, PP
Reduction of Terphenyl Iron(II) or Cobalt(II) Halides in the Presence of Trimethylphosphine: An Unusual Triple Dehydrogenation of an Alkyl Group
Dalton Transactions. 2009. 5401–5405.
6. Stich, TA; Lahiri, S; Yeagle, GJ; Dicus, M; Brynda, M; Gunn, A; Aznar, C; DeRose, VJ; Britt, RD
Multifrequency Pulsed EPR Studies of Biologically Relevant Manganese(II) Complexes
Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2007. 31: 321–341.
University of Wisconsin Publications (Ph.D.)
5. Stich, TA; Seravalli, J; Venkateshrao, S; Spiro, TG; Ragsdale, SW; Brunold, TC
Spectroscopic Studies of the Corrinoid/Iron-Sulfur Protein from Moorella thermoacetica
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2006. 128: 5010–5020.
4. Stich, TA; Buan, NR; Escalante-Semerena, J; Brunold, TC
Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of the ATP:corrinoid Adenosyltransferase (CobA) from Salmonella enterica: Insights into the Mechanism of Adenosylcobalamin Biosynthesis
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2005. 127: 8710–8719.
3. Stich, TA; Yamanishi, M; Banerjee, R; Brunold, TC
Spectroscopic Evidence for the Formation of a Four-Coordinate Co2+Cobalamin upon Binding to the Human ATP:Cobalamin Adenosyltransferase
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2005. 127: 7660–7661.
2. Stich, TA; Buan, NR; Brunold, TC
Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of Co2+ corrinoids: Spectral and Electronic Properties of the Biologically Relevant Base-on and Base-off Forms of Co2+ cobalamin
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2004, 126: 9735–9749.
1. Stich, TA; Brooks, AJ; Buan, NR; Brunold, TC
Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of Co3+-corrinoids: Spectral and Electronic Properties of the B12 Cofactors and Biologically Relevant Precursors
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2003, 125: 5897–5914.
Book Chapters
BC2. Tao, L; Stich, TA; Jaccard, H; Britt, RD; Casey, WH
Manganese-Oxide Solids as Water-Oxidation Electrocatalysts: The Effect of Intercalating Cations
American Chemical Society Symposium Series. 2015. 1197: 135–153.
BC1. Stich, TA; Britt, RD
Advanced Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of the Oxygen Evolving Complex
Metalloproteins: Theory, Calculations, and Experiments. ed: Art E. Cho and William A. Goddard III. CRC Press. 2015.